Assignment Calendar Sub-Tab: Work Order

The Assignment Calendar page displays a calendar view of assignments for the work order. The current month is displayed by default. Assignments are displayed on the appropriate date of the calendar. This page can be used to view assignments, change assignment parameters, or change assignment dates.

Each assignment displayed on the calendar includes:

  • A picture of the individual assigned, if available

  • The work order number and asset name

  • Assignment hours and time if specified

The total assigned hours are displayed in the upper-right corner of any date on which assignments are listed. If more than one assignment exists for a given date, the assigned hours for each assignment are accumulated and the total is displayed.

For additional information regarding the work order or asset associated with the assignment, click the assignment or hover your mouse over the assignment. A window opens, providing additional information about the work order and the asset.

ClosedNavigate to Previous or Next Month

To navigate to the previous or next month on the calendar, click the and buttons in the header.

ClosedView or Change Assignment Parameters

  1. Choose between two options:

    • Double-click the assignment.

    • Right-click the assignment and select Change Assignment.

    The Change Assignment window opens.

  2. Make your changes.

    • To change the hours or minutes of the assignment, click the desired time.

      If the Anytime setting is set to Yes, you must select No to display the time controls.

    • Select the Assigned Lead check box to indicate that this individual should be the assigned lead.

      Only one individual can be the assigned lead on a work order. If you designate an individual as an assigned lead, the system will remove this designation from any other individual with that designation.

    • Select the Assigned PDA User check box if the individual should be assigned as a PDA user.

      Only one individual can be the assigned PDA user on a work order. If you designate an individual as an assigned PDA user, the system will remove this designation from any other individual with that designation. This field is only used by organizations using an early version of the offline product.

  3. Click Apply.

    The Assignment Calendar appears. Your assignment modifications are automatically saved.

ClosedChange Assignment Date

  • Choose between two options:

    • Click and drag the assignment to the desired date.

      The assignment is moved.

    • To move an assignment to a different month:

      1. Right-click the assignment and select Cut.

      2. Use the navigation controls on the calendar to move to the desired month.

      3. Right-click the date to which the assignment should be moved, and select Paste.

        The assignment is moved to this date.

ClosedDelete an Assignment

  1. Right-click the assignment you want to delete.

  2. Select Delete.

    A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.

  3. Click Yes.